Maths can make the internet 5-10 times faster

Mathematical equations can make Internet communication via computer, mobile phone or satellite many times faster and more secure than today. Results with software developed by researchers from Aalborg University in collaboration ...

Red planet pictures show Mars in the eyes of the rovers

Fancy a little Mars in your daily life? You need go no further than the excellent raw image archive that NASA generously provides on its website, showing the view from the Opportunity and Curiosity rovers as they make their ...

Strange physics turns off laser

Inspired by anomalies that arise in certain mathematical equations, researchers have demonstrated a laser system that paradoxically turns off when more power is added rather than becoming continuously brighter.

The brain could be key to a better computer

Your brain is incredibly well-suited to handling whatever comes along, plus it's tough and operates on little energy. Those attributes—dealing with real-world situations, resiliency and energy efficiency—are precisely ...

Hyperbolic homogeneous polynomials, oh my!

Cutting-edge mathematics today, at least to the uninitiated, often sounds as if it bears no relation to the arithmetic we all learned in grade school. What do topology and combinatorics and n-dimensional space have to do ...

Improving methods used to analyze and model fluid dynamics

Understanding how fluids flow and the forces that affect them at various scales and boundary conditions (e.g., flat or curved flow domain boundaries) is relevant to solving a host of physics problems that impact diverse research ...

Why Einstein will never be wrong

One of the benefits of being an astrophysicist is your weekly email from someone who claims to have "proven Einstein wrong". These either contain no mathematical equations and use phrases such as "it is obvious that..", or ...

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