CEOs are hindering LGBTQ+ equality in the workplace

Global acceptance of homosexuality has risen over the past two decades to 72 percent in 2019 from 51 percent in 2002. Despite this, a report from last year found that majority of American LGBTQ+ workers have faced job discrimination.

Planning system in England is perpetuating racial inequality

New research published by the Institute for Social Policy, Housing, Equalities Research (I-SPHERE) based at Heriot-Watt University has found that the planning process in England is reinforcing racial inequality, despite having ...

Inequity takes a toll on your gut microbes, too

People worry about having access to clean water, power, health care and healthy foods because they are essential for survival. But do they ever think about their access to microbes?

Charting gender's 'incomplete revolution'

A major survey of gender inequality in contemporary society has found lingering echoes of old-fashioned, "male breadwinner" values, but also evidence that men are happier when they do their fair share of household chores.

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