Graphene research: Numerous products, no acute dangers

Think big. Despite its research topic, this could well be the motto of the Graphene Flagship, which was launched in 2013: With an overall budget of one billion Euros, it was Europe's largest research initiative to date, alongside ...

Concrete made stronger and more durable with resin

Engineering structures made of concrete, steel, or other materials are subject to vibrations and stress. Because of this, small cracks appear, which grow and eventually lead to destruction. This phenomenon is called "fatigue ...

How microplastics end up in the marine atmosphere

Microplastic particles are present in the marine atmosphere even in remote parts of the world. These tiny particles come from land sources but are also re-emitted into the atmosphere from the sea, a study by a team of German ...

New corrosion protection that repairs itself

Skyscrapers, bridges, ships, airplanes, cars—everything humans make or build sooner or later decays. The ravages of time are known as corrosion; nothing is safe from it.

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