Positioning enzymes with ease

Virtually all processes in the human body rely on a unique class of proteins known as enzymes. To study them, scientists want to attach these molecules to surfaces and hold them fast, but this can often be a tricky undertaking.

New role for the JNK protein

Put simply, a tumor is the result of out-of-control cell growth. To assure that the cell cycle - the cell's process of duplicating itself to make more cells - goes smoothly, a large network of proteins tells other proteins ...

Proteins prove their metal

(PhysOrg.com) -- The word 'metal' conjures up images of machines and heavy industry but metals are also intimately involved in the biological processes that regulate our bodies and underpin new energy technologies.

The hidden lives of proteins

An important Brandeis study appearing in the December 3 issue of Nature raises the curtain on the hidden lives of proteins at the atomic level. The study reports that for the first time, researchers used x-ray crystallography ...

Intrinsic changes in protein shape influence drug binding

Computational biologists at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine have shown that proteins have an intrinsic ability to change shape, and this is required for their biological activity. This shape-changing also ...

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