Related topics: climate change

Six million people help global garbage clean-up

More than six million volunteers from 96 countries collected an unprecedented 100,000 tonnes of garbage last year as part of a global, web-driven clean-up campaign, cyber-environmentalists said Friday.

South Africa rhino poaching toll jumps to 633

At least 633 rhinos have been killed in South Africa this year, a record toll as demand for their horns continues to surge on the black market in Asia, the government said Wednesday.

Disputed fish quota cuts lead to tough EU talks

EU fishery ministers began difficult talks Tuesday on the vexed question of 2013 quotas as they sought to balance conflicting demands from environmentalists and fishermen alike.

Big nations block curbs on tuna overfishing

Efforts to curb overfishing of tuna in the Pacific were blocked by big countries that refused to cut their catch at a meeting of tuna-fishing nations in the Asia-Pacific, delegates said Thursday.

CA coastal panel mulls quake study near nuke plant

(AP)—California coastal regulators will decide whether to give a utility the go-ahead to use loud air cannons to map offshore earthquakes faults near a nuclear power plant.

New Zealand won't sign 'Kyoto 2' climate treaty

(AP)—New Zealand's government said Friday that it would not sign on for a second stage of the Kyoto Protocol climate treaty, a stance that angered environmentalists and political opponents.

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