Wind in the willows boosts biofuel production

(—Willow trees cultivated for 'green energy' can yield up to five times more biofuel if they grow diagonally, compared with those that are allowed to grow naturally up towards the sky.

Seeking a splice for better rice

Every organism produces a staggering variety of molecules, each with its own particular biological function. Complex interplay between genetic and environmental factors determines the production levels for each compound. ...

Roundworm research reviewed in Science publication

There are 16,000 types of parasitic roundworms causing illnesses in humans and animals. Controlling their effects on health becomes more difficult as the medicines used to treat them become less effective. A University of ...

Evolution by mistake

( -- A major driving force of evolution comes from mistakes made by cells and how organisms cope with the consequences, University of Arizona biologists have found. Their discoveries offer lessons for creating ...

Selected hens give new genetic insights

Studies of heavy, fast-growing hens and small, slow-growing hens provide important new knowledge on the origin of the genetic variation that has enabled them to adapt rapidly to new extreme environments. This is shown by ...

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