Oil sands study shows negative impact on lake systems

(Phys.org)—Fifty years of Athabasca oil sands development has left a legacy of contaminants in lake ecosystems and that contamination reaches further from the development areas than previously recognized, according to new ...

Researchers provide new insights on coral bleaching

Reef-building corals have a symbiotic relationship with Symbiodinium algae, and environmental stressors that cause algae to be expelled from reefs can give rise to the phenomenon known as coral bleaching.

Bees and environmental stressors—canaries in the coal mine

Bee populations are declining worldwide, raising concerns of a "pollination crisis." Scientists have identified links to many human-induced environmental stressors, including pesticides, pollutants, parasites, diseases, and ...

Uncovering the underlying patterns in contemporary evolution

Wild populations must continuously adapt to environmental changes or risk extinction. For more than fifty years, scientists have described instances of "rapid evolution" in specific populations as their traits (phenotypes) ...

Global analysis shows soil ecosystems under stress

By statistically analyzing data from around the world, scientists have determined that multiple natural and human stressors are reducing levels of biodiversity and soil functioning in soil ecosystems. The number and specific ...

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