Citizen science key to keeping pace with environmental change

Is it plastic, metal, a fragment, sharp? Does it have a loop in it that a marine animal might stick its head through? Is it small enough and in the color range that an albatross might mistake it for flying fish eggs and eat ...

Experts call for widening the debate on climate change

Environmental scientists are being urged to broaden the advice they give on global climate change, say experts who are also frustrated that decision makers are not taking enough action.

An ecological risk research agenda for synthetic biology

Environmental scientists and synthetic biologists have for the first time developed a set of key research areas to study the potential ecological impacts of synthetic biology, a field that could push beyond incremental changes ...

Molecular networks provide insights for computer security

The robust defenses that yeast cells have evolved to protect themselves from environmental threats hold lessons that can be used to design computer networks and analyze how secure they are, say computer scientists at Carnegie ...

Telecoupling paper honored as 2013's best

A new way scientists – all kinds of natural and social scientists – are using to scrutinize some of the world's biggest challenges in sustainability is getting its turn in the spotlight.

Can bacteria combat oil spill disasters?

Teams of international scientists have decrypted the effectiveness of two types of bacteria, which could be used in the future to help combat oil spill disasters. According to a report written by scientists from the Helmholtz ...

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