Image: Sentinel-1 captures Tobago oil spill

Before and after satellite images from the Copernicus Sentinel-1 mission show the scale of the oil spill that occurred off the shores of Trinidad and Tobago's coastline earlier this week. The ship, identified as The Gulfstream, ...

Temperatures are rising, but soil is getting wetter—why?

Soil moisture can determine how quickly a wildfire spreads, how fast a hill turns into a mudslide, and perhaps most importantly, how productive our food systems are. As temperatures rise due to human-caused climate change, ...

Image: Italy's Mount Etna spews lava

One of the world's most active volcanoes, Mount Etna, erupted on Sunday—spewing lava and clouds of ash high over the Mediterranean island of Sicily. This image, captured on 13 November by the Copernicus Sentinel-2 mission, ...

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