Examining US golf courses' nutrient use and management tactics

Nutrient use on United States golf courses increases management costs and has the potential to influence ecosystems. Therefore, assessing nutrient use and management practices is critical to developing and teaching the best ...

Climate change impacts are increasing for Americans

A new national report finds that the impacts of weather extremes—exacerbated by climate change—are far-reaching across every region of the United States. However, the report also finds that rapidly reducing greenhouse ...

NGOs accuse Bayer of hiding glyphosate risk data

An NGO grouping said Wednesday it had filed claims in an Austrian court alleging that chemicals firm Bayer withheld data showing health risks from exposure to its herbicide glyphosate, which the EU has proposed to keep using ...

The arrival of mandatory corporate sustainability reporting

To paraphrase the management icon Peter Drucker, you can't manage something unless you measure it. Without measurement, you can't tell if management's actions are making things better or worse. The importance and seriousness ...

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