'Tapping into the vast potential of satellites'

Satellites can be used in many applications, such as identifying micromovements in a dam, managing a fleet of vehicles, and monitoring logging operations in a protected forest or a coffee plantation. Helping Swiss companies ...

Thousands of pesticides dodge US regulation

Thousands of pesticides are allowed onto the US market without rigorous safety testing, putting people, animals and crop pollinators like bees at risk, a US environmental group said Wednesday.

Work needed to make algal biofuel viable, study suggests

(Phys.org)—Though biofuels from algae hold great promise, Cornell researchers find that more innovation is needed to make the technology economically and energetically viable at a commercial scale.

Thai government ordered to clean up polluted creek

(AP)—A Thai court on Thursday ordered the government to clean up a lead-polluted creek and pay nearly $4 million in compensation to local villagers as part of a legal battle that lasted almost a decade.

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