Muddy forests, shorter winters present challenges for loggers

Stable, frozen ground has long been recognized a logger's friend, capable of supporting equipment and trucks in marshy or soggy forests. Now, a comprehensive look at weather from 1948 onward shows that the logger's friend ...

What happened to 'Food Miles?'

Some years ago we were being advised to buy UK-grown fresh produce to avoid the 'food miles' associated with importing air-freighted fruit and vegetables due to concerns over how this was contributing to the release of CO2 ...

The bottom line on sustainability

Climate change, pollution, dwindling natural resources, diminishing fresh water supplies… the list of problems we face as a species in the twenty-first century continues to grow. Many of the environmental problems are sadly ...

Save money and energy by replacing, adjusting home appliances

Want to save some money and help the planet at the same time? Then take a look at some of the gadgets and appliances in your house. By turning off, adjusting or swapping out some of the devices in your house, you can potentially ...

A glance at coal and its role in climate change

Coal took center stage in the global warming debate on Monday as a high-profile coal industry event kicked off on the sidelines of a U.N. climate conference in Warsaw.

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