Cracking the blue crab's genetic code

Scientists at the University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science have sequenced the genome of the blue crab. The best way to understand an organism is to understand its genetic makeup, also known as its genome. Once ...

Summer haze has a cooling effect in southeastern United States

( -- Global warming may include some periods of local cooling, according to a new study by researchers at the University of California, Berkeley. Results from satellite and ground-based sensor data show that sweltering ...

Minamata mercury treaty signed at UN conference (Update)

Delegates from some 140 countries and territories Thursday signed a United Nations treaty to control mercury near the site of Japan's worst industrial poisoning, after Tokyo pledged $2 billion to help poorer nations combat ...

Chemists tackle formation of natural aerosols

City dwellers have long had to contend with smog—that ugly haze that hangs over urban areas—as a result of emissions-producing human activities as diverse as manufacturing, mowing the lawn, driving cars, and even cooking.

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