Personality clue to 'wind turbine syndrome'

( —Public concern about new technology infrastructure like mobile phone masts has been shown to trigger reports of ill health… and recently even the new 'green' technology of wind turbines has been blamed for ...

Quantum information processing: A step closer

Researchers from Yale, Surrey, and Paris have made an important breakthrough towards 'quantum information processing', which promises to lead to massive information technology advances in the future.

Qubits in the quantum sea

(—"Quantum weirdness," a phrase related to the power and the un-intuitive nature of quantum reality, is expected to facilitate speeded-up computation—quantum computing—for performing certain specialized tasks, ...

Enhanced fuel cell performance with optimized flows

Fuel cells convert the chemical energy in fuels (hydrogen and hydrocarbons such as methane, butane, gasoline or diesel) into electrical energy to power devices. EU researchers developed a simplified computational model simulating ...

Canadians rally against wind power

Hundreds of Canadians demonstrated on Tuesday calling for an end to subsidies for wind power, saying noise from colossal turbines is making some people sick and driving down rural property prices.

Lone whales shout to overcome noise (w/ Video)

Just like people in a bar or other noisy location, North American right whales increase the volume of their calls as environmental noise increases; and just like humans, at a certain point, it may become too costly to continue ...

Study shows Human Sounds may Kill Fish

( -- Anthropogenic, or human generated, sounds have the potential to significantly affect the lives of aquatic animals - from the individual animal’s well-being, right through to its reproduction, migration ...

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