Removing cesium: Solutions to a chemically complex problem

Fifty-six million gallons. That is the amount of radioactive tank waste left behind at the Hanford Site as a result of the secret government mission to provide the plutonium for the world's first atomic weapons and the Cold ...

Biological wizardry ferments carbon monoxide into biofuel

Cornell University biological engineers have deciphered the cellular strategy to make the biofuel ethanol, using an anaerobic microbe feeding on carbon monoxide - a common industrial waste gas.

Mapping dry wildfire fuels with AI and new satellite data

As California and the American West head into fire season amid the coronavirus pandemic, scientists are harnessing artificial intelligence and new satellite data to help predict blazes across the region.

Astronauts might soon grow SPACE tomatoes

Tiny tomato plants developed at the University of California, Riverside, could one day feed astronauts on the International Space Station. The plants have minimal leaves and stems but still produce a normal amount of fruit, ...

Reducing fuel consumption of truck engines

A new model to explore how new ideas affect fuel consumption in large diesel engines has been developed by a world-leading research group in tribology, at Luleå University of Technology. Tribology is the science of interacting ...

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