NGOs accuse Bayer of hiding glyphosate risk data

An NGO grouping said Wednesday it had filed claims in an Austrian court alleging that chemicals firm Bayer withheld data showing health risks from exposure to its herbicide glyphosate, which the EU has proposed to keep using ...

Ecosystem services are not constrained by borders

What do chocolate, migratory birds, flood control and pandas have in common? Many countries benefit from ecosystem services provided outside their nations. This can happen through economic relationships, biological and geographical ...

Novel methods to support decision making processes

Mathematical analysis based on numbers and numerical estimates is widely used in decision making everywhere from public administration and business to environmental conservation. Methods for decision analysis evaluate different ...

Trashed farmland could be a conservation treasure

Low-productivity agricultural land could be transformed into millions of hectares of conservation reserve across the world, according to University of Queensland-led research.

Unsung bedrock of prosperity

Modern agriculture would be inconceivable without phosphate fertilizers - and it needs more and more of them. Experts warn of an imminent phosphorus shortage. But not Roland Scholz from the Institute of Environmental Decisions. ...

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