Alaska judge sides with company on new $7.5 billion oil project

A federal judge upheld the Biden administration's approval of ConocoPhillips' 600-million-barrel Willow oil development in Alaska, a blow to environmentalists who argued it would imperil wildlife and exacerbate climate change.

A review article clarifies genotype-independent plant transformation

Recently, researchers from North Carolina State University and the Beltsville Agricultural Research Center published the first review of research progress on genotype-independent plant transformation. In this review, researchers ...

Protein family shows how life adapted to oxygen

Cornell scientists have created an evolutionary model that connects organisms living in today's oxygen-rich atmosphere to a time, billions of years ago, when Earth's atmosphere had little oxygen—by analyzing ribonucleotide ...

Manakins, birds of tropical forests, cooperate for common goal

( -- Leks, they're called, gatherings of males of certain animal species for competitive mating displays. But not every lek's members are competitors, scientists have learned. Some--birds called wire-tailed manakins, ...

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