Can AI transform the way we discover new drugs?

The world's aging population, the growing burden of chronic and infectious diseases, and the emergence of novel pathogens have made the need for new treatments more urgent than ever. Yet, discovering a new drug and bringing ...

Atomic-level 3D models show us how gadgets work

Although nanotechnology and materials science are complicated topics for most of us, the research in these fields is of great importance to almost everyone. Your digital gadgets, for example, are completely dependent on it.

Porous crystals bind fluorine-containing greenhouse gases

Emissions of greenhouse gases contribute significantly to global warming. Not only carbon dioxide (CO2) but also fluorine-containing gases—including so-called per- or polyfluorinated hydrocarbons, or PFCs—have a significant ...

Immersive VR: Empowering kids to survive in fire, flood and war

When you live in the driest State in the driest country in the world, bushfires are an unfortunate, and all-too-regular part of life. Learning how to survive such emergencies is important for all people, but especially for ...

Catalyst surface analysed at atomic resolution

Researchers from the Ruhr-Universität Bochum, the University of Duisburg-Essen and the Max Planck Institute for Chemical Energy Conversion in Mülheim an der Ruhr cooperated on the project as part of the Collaborative Research ...

Designing microbe factories for sustainable chemicals

The science is clear: fossil fuels are harmful to the environment. So why is it so difficult for us to stop using them? Economic reasons are at least part of the answer. From our energy grid to the manufacturing of certain ...

Remote control for plants

Plants have microscopically small pores on the surface of their leaves called stomata. These help plants regulate the influx of carbon dioxide for photosynthesis. They also prevent the loss of too much water and withering ...

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