Schools lose records; English learners pay

( -- Poor recordkeeping keeps California schools from getting all of the funding that they have coming, a failing that especially hurts English learners, according to research from the University of California, ...

A new twist on educational testing

The two UC Santa Barbara students, Tiffini Gillespie and Ricquel Santos, stood in front of their classmates and pitched their idea for a slick new app. They'd identified a need, done their marketing research, surveyed potential ...

Study shows Jim Crow-era segregation persists in Texas schools

A first-of-its-kind study from researchers in the College of Education at The University of Texas at Austin shows that, in addition to being isolated by race/ethnicity and socioeconomic status, English language learners in ...

Bridging the vocabulary gap

Marci Carver's kindergartners know a lot about the word "package." They know it contains three vowels, but one of them "doesn't talk," and the letter "g" sounds like a "j." When asked about the meaning, they know a package ...

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