Small satellites soar in high-altitude demonstration

( —Four tiny spacecraft soared over the California desert June 15 in a high-altitude demonstration flight that tested the sensor and equipment designs created by NASA engineers and student launch teams.

Detecting disease with a smartphone accessory

As antiretroviral drugs that treat HIV have become more commonplace, the incidence of Kaposi's sarcoma, a type of cancer linked to AIDS, has decreased in the United States. The disease, however, remains prevalent in sub-Saharan ...

Fast new, one-step genetic engineering technology

A new, streamlined approach to genetic engineering drastically reduces the time and effort needed to insert new genes into bacteria, the workhorses of biotechnology, scientists are reporting. Published in the journal ACS ...

Hot fire tests steer space launch system engines

( —Engineers developing NASA's next-generation rocket closed one chapter of testing with the completion of a J-2X engine test series on the A-2 test stand at the agency's Stennis Space Center in Mississippi and ...

The J-2X: A powerful line up

(—Two J-2X engines and a power pack, developed for NASA by Pratt & Whitney Rocketdyne, sit side-by-side at John C. Stennis Space Center in Mississippi as work continues on the Space Launch System.

Engineer builds tissue models to study diseases

Shelly Peyton, a chemical engineer at the University of Massachusetts Amherst, is building working models of human bone, breast, liver and artery tissues to see how cells behave when they are affected by a disease such as ...

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