The world's smallest steam engine measures a few micrometers

What would be a case for the repair shop for a car engine is completely normal for a micro engine. If it sputters, this is caused by the thermal motions of the smallest particles, which interfere with its running. Researchers ...

Tracking dragonflies on the wing

( -- Duke University electrical engineers have developed a wirelessly powered telemetry system that is light and powerful enough to allow scientists to study the intricate neurological activity of dragonflies ...

Volkswagen's XL1 said to be world's most economical car

( -- Volkswagen has unveiled its new, prototype super-efficient hybrid vehicle, the XL1, at this week's Qatar motor show. The car has been under development for a decade and Volkswagen claims it is the most economical ...

Fuel-injection System That Delivers 64 Miles Per Gallon

( -- The best hybrid cars of today can only deliver about 48 miles per gallon. By using this newly developed fuel injection system a test vehicle was measured at achieving 64 miles per gallon in highway driving. ...

Room's Ambience Fingerprinted By Phone

( -- Your smart phone may soon be able to know not only that you're at the mall, but whether you're in the jewelry store or the shoe store.

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