Researchers develop new model to study epidemics

For decades, scientists have been perfecting models of how contagions spread, but newly published research takes the first steps into building a model that includes the loop linking individual human behavior and the behavior ...

Rocketman (and woman): Elon and Gwynne, the pair who made SpaceX

Space Exploration Technologies Corp.—commonly known as SpaceX—is slated to send two astronauts into space on Wednesday. Despite not yet being 20 years old, the company has already developed a creation myth: on September ...

Spiky ferrofluid thrusters can move satellites

Brandon Jackson, a doctoral candidate in mechanical engineering at Michigan Technological University, has created a new computational model of an electrospray thruster using ionic liquid ferrofluid—a promising technology ...

Fog harvesting: How to get fresh water out of thin air

In some of this planet's driest regions, where rainfall is rare or even nonexistent, a few specialized plants and insects have devised ingenious strategies to provide themselves with the water necessary for life: They pull ...

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