An easier way to test produce for pesticides

Maria Fidalgo, an associate professor in civil and environmental engineering at the University of Missouri, and a team of students and international collaborators have come up with a way to use sensors and films to detect ...

ESA moves ahead on low-cost reusable rocket engine

ESA's Prometheus is the precursor of ultra-low-cost rocket propulsion that is flexible enough to fit a fleet of new launch vehicles for any mission and will be potentially reusable.

Researchers create electronic diodes beyond 5G performance

David Storm, a research physicist, and Tyler Growden, an electrical engineer, both with the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory, developed a new gallium nitride-based electrical component called a resonant tunneling diode (RTD) ...

A novel composite for tensile strength

Materials scientists are always on the look out for new composites, materials comprising two or more different substances that combine to bring together the useful properties of each component and to overcome the limitations ...

Using the power of math to improve food texture, consistency

The word starch brings to mind for many people either a food component or something used to stiffen clothing—but its use covers much territory. Starch is used in a wide variety of food and non-food settings. In fact, the ...

Low-cost wearables manufactured by hybrid 3-D printing

Human skin must flex and stretch to accommodate the body's every move. Anything worn tight on the body must also be able to flex around muscles and joints, which helps explain why synthetic fabrics like spandex are popular ...

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