Enabling environmental decision making on energy sources

The EU is getting serious about tackling transport emissions, which are responsible for some 25 % of all greenhouse gases. For example, mandatory EU emission reduction targets for new cars have been put in place, with specific ...

Nanoscale heat flow predictions

Physicists are now designing novel materials with physical properties tailored to meet specific energy consumption needs. Before these so-called materials-by-design can be applied, it is essential to understand their characteristics, ...

Supercomputer exposes enzyme's secrets

Thanks to newer and faster supercomputers, today's computer simulations are opening hidden vistas to researchers in all areas of science. These powerful machines are used for everything from understanding how proteins work ...

Iron in the sun: A greenhouse gas for X-ray radiation

(Phys.org) —Scientists from the Heidelberg Max Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics (MPIK) in cooperation with DESY (Hamburg) at the synchrotron PETRA III have investigated for the first time X-ray absorption of highly ...

Polymer solar cells employing Forster resonance energy transfer

Two crucial tasks exist for realizing high-efficiency polymer solar cells: increasing the range of the spectral absorption of light and efficiently harvesting photo-generated excitons. In this work, Förster resonance energy ...

Upgraded urban travel 'could save $70 trillion by 2050'

Urban planners must re-invent city transportation systems to save up to $70 trillion globally in the next 37 years, a study said on Wednesday citing the examples of Belgrade, Seoul and New York City.

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