Obama promotes clean energy; GOP hits Dem spending

(AP) -- Wind, solar and other clean energy technologies produce jobs and are essential for the country's environment and economy, President Barack Obama said in promoting his administration's efforts.

The quick and easy way to measure power consumption

The ambitious goals set by the German government to promote energy efficiency have put pressure on companies to change their energy-use policies. But the sustainable management of energy resources and the associated energy-saving ...

Study—Berkeley soda tax falls flat

A Cornell-University of Iowa analysis of a soda tax passed last fall by voters in Berkeley, California – the first such city ordinance in the country – found the measure so far has fizzled, raising retail prices for high-calorie ...

Gingrich says climate bill will punish Americans

(AP) -- Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich says a Democratic proposal to limit global warming pollution will "punish the American people" with higher energy costs and lost jobs. Gingrich appeared before a House subcommittee ...

Cheers as Australia's carbon tax hits parliament

Cheers erupted in Australia's Parliament House after Prime Minister Julia Gillard presented her bill for a new pollution tax she hopes will help counter climate change.

Green energy nudges come with a hidden cost

All across the United States, many households receive energy bills comparing their use to that of similar neighbors to remind them to use less energy. At most companies, employees are automatically enrolled in 401(k) plans ...

GOP attacks Democrats for climate proposal

(AP) -- Republicans on Saturday attacked the climate change proposal crafted by congressional Democrats and endorsed by President Barrack Obama as doing little to reduce global warming while saddling Americans with high ...

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