Hydropower completes greening of Norway

The Norwegian energy supply can be sustainable by 2030, according to new research. Politicians simply have to keep their promises.

Drought sees Rio's main hydro plant turned off

A major Rio hydroelectric power plant was switched off after water levels slipped below an operational minimum following severe drought, Brazil's national grid told AFP on Thursday.

A green data center with an autonomous power supply

A new data center in the United States is generating electricity for its servers entirely from renewable sources, converting biogas from a sewage treatment plant into electricity and water. Siemens implemented the pilot project, ...

More efficient transformer materials

Almost every electronic device contains a transformer. An important material used in their construction is electrical steel. Researchers have found a way to improve the performance of electrical steel and manufacture it more ...

Will growth in low-carbon technologies lead to metals scarcity?

Demand for 'critical' metals used to manufacture low-carbon energy technologies is rising rapidly and requires serious attention from industry and policymakers, but scaremongering about scarcity is misguided. This is the ...

Laser physics upside down

At the Vienna University of Technology a system of coupled lasers has been created which exhibits truly paradoxical behaviour: An increase in energy supply switches the lasers off, reducing the energy can switch them on.

Monitoring neighbourhood electricity consumption

With more and more households owning one or even two electric cars requiring charging overnight, how will we manage without sacrificing our hot morning shower and fresh bread for breakfast?

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