Large solar proton event explains 774-775 CE carbon-14 increase

Tree ring records indicate that in 774-775 CE, atmospheric carbon-14 levels increased substantially. Researchers suggest that a solar proton event may have been the cause. In solar proton events, large numbers of high-energy ...

Team uses carbon nanotubes for polarized-light detection

Using carpets of aligned carbon nanotubes, researchers from Rice University and Sandia National Laboratories have created a solid-state electronic device that is hardwired to detect polarized light across a broad swath of ...

New material approach should increase solar cell efficiency

( —A University of Illinois research group brought together aspects of condensed matter physics, semiconductor device engineering, and photochemistry to develop a new form of high-performance solar photocatalyst ...

New light on baryonic matter and gravity on cosmic scales

Scientists estimate that dark matter and dark energy together are some 95% of the gravitational material in the universe while the remaining 5% is baryonic matter, which is the "normal" matter composing stars, planets and ...

New study reveals communications potential of graphene

Providing secure wireless connections and improving the efficiency of communication devices could be another application for graphene, as demonstrated by scientists at Queen Mary University of London and the Cambridge Graphene ...

Study investigates flaring activity of blazar S5 1803+78

Using various space and ground-based observatories, astronomers have inspected flaring activity observed on a blazar known as S5 1803+78. Results of this multi-wavelength study, published April 10 on the arXiv pre-print server, ...

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