Supercomputer boosted with graphic processors

With "Piz Daint" the Swiss National Supercomputing Centre (CSCS) is putting a new supercomputer system in operation that will provide the necessary compute performance and consume less power. This is made possible by a novel ...

Being watched makes electricity users consume less

( —The Hawthorne effect is a concept whereby subjects modify and change their behavior in response to the fact that they know they are being studied. A team from Carnegie Mellon have applied this phenomenon to ...

Cost-saving computer chips get smaller than ever

Not so long ago, a computer filled a whole room and radio receivers were as big as washing machines. In recent decades, electronic devices have shrunk considerably in size and this trend is expected to continue, leading to ...

'Poisoning' corrosion brings stainless magnesium closer

( —In a discovery that could have major implications for the aerospace, automotive and electronics industries, scientists have found a way to dramatically reduce the corrosion rate of lightweight wonder metal magnesium: ...

Greening Europe's seaports and freight terminals

Sea and inland navigation ports and freight terminals are faced with growing energy costs and major political and societal pressure in terms of their environmental performance.

Technology for the next generation

Luminescent materials are increasingly starring in many aspects of our daily lives. They can be found in traffic lights, computer screens, smartphones and tablets, Euro banknotes, medical devices, and films for X-rays and ...

Cool muscles: Storing elastic energy for flight

( —Flying has always fascinated humans, probably because we are so relentlessly Earthbound. One of the things that interests researchers who study flight is the question of how animals that do it can generate the ...

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