One good turn: Birds swap energy-sapping lead role

Migrating birds 'share the pain' of the arduous task of leading a v-formation, so that they can then take turns saving energy by following in another bird's wake, a new study shows.

Virtual models to make cities greener

Making a city or district energy smart is, first and foremost, an exercise in good planning. However, such green planning tools are still in their infancy. The trouble is that every city is different, every district unique. ...

How to make solar energy systems more widespread

Retrofitting existing buildings with adequate cutting-edge technologies is thought to guarantees spectacular energy savings, by about 50%. The objective of the EU funded project BRICKER is precisely to demonstrate such possibility. ...

Better software cuts computer energy use

An EU research project is developing tools to help software engineers create energy-efficient code, which could reduce electricity consumption at data centres by up to 50% and improve battery life in smart devices.

New model to predict the thermal performance of vegetal façades

After years of monitoring different experimental buildings, a group of researchers from the School of Architecture of Universidad Politécnica de Madrid has developed a model that can estimate the thermal performance of vegetal ...

Researcher working to save energy with nanotechnology insulation

Mufit Akinc, who has a series of patent plaques hanging high on his office wall, knows all about the challenges of moving inventions out of the lab. But he's determined to see one of his latest projects make it all the way ...

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