Research opportunities plentiful for next generation batteries

( —In the opening scene of the iconic movie of the 1960s, The Graduate, Benjamin Braddock, at a party to celebrate his college degree, is given one word of advice for his future: "Plastics." Were young Benjamin ...

A storage power plant on the seabed

Norwegian research scientists will contribute to realising the concept of storing electricity at the bottom of the sea. The energy will be stored with the help of high water pressure.

Tortuous paths hamper ion transport

( —ETH-Zurich researchers use x-ray tomography to screen lithium ion battery electrodes and can reconstruct the microstructure in high resolution. This helps to understand the discharging and charging process better ...

Using single quantum dots to probe nanowires

Modern telecommunications happens because of fast electrons and fast photons. Can it get better? Can Moore's law—the doubling of computing power ever 18 months or so—be sustained? Can the compactness (nm-scale components) ...

Record-setting X-ray jet discovered

A jet of X-rays from a supermassive black hole 12.4 billion light years from Earth has been detected by NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory. This is the most distant X-ray jet ever observed and gives astronomers a glimpse into ...

Physicists confine electrons inside nano-pyramids

(—Quantum dots are nanostructures of semiconducting materials that behave a lot like single atoms and are very easy to produce. Given their special properties, researchers see huge potential for quantum dots in ...

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