Ultracold atoms dressed by light simulate gauge theories

Our modern understanding of the physical world is based on gauge theories: mathematical models from theoretical physics that describe the interactions between elementary particles (such as electrons or quarks) and explain ...

Secret language of cells? New cell computations uncovered

Throughout evolution, individual cells have been making successful decisions on their own, even while forming parts of vast networks, such as neurons and glia in the human brain. Now scientists from King Abdullah University ...

Large Hadron Collider revs up to unprecedented energy level

Ten years after it discovered the Higgs boson, the Large Hadron Collider is about to start smashing protons together at unprecedented energy levels in its quest to reveal more secrets about how the universe works.

The signaling pathways that make plants more resistant to flooding

Extreme weather phenomena are on the rise worldwide, including frequent droughts and fires. Floods are also a clear consequence of climate change. For agriculture, a flooded field means major losses: about 15% of global crop ...

Kinematics of stretched sheets

In a new study now published as a report and also illustrated as the online cover-page of Science Advances, Julien Chopin, Arshad Kudrolli, and a research team in Physics in the U.S. and Brazil showed how twisted hyper-elastic ...

Learning chemical networks give life a chiral twist

When holding a right hand in front of a mirror, one can see a reflected image of a left hand and vice versa. In 1848, Louis Pasteur discovered that organic molecules are much like our hands: they come in mirror-image pairs ...

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