'Cleaning' boosts solar cell efficiency

Energy losses in nanowire solar cell can be significantly reduced by 'cleaning' the surface of the cells with a special etching method. This has been shown by researchers at Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e), Delft ...

Success in operation of transistor with channel length of 3 nm

AIST researchers have confirmed the operation of an ultra-miniaturized transistor with a channel length of 3 nm. The developed transistor was fabricated employing a V-shaped groove created by anisotropic dissolution of silicon ...

Plasmonics: From metallic foils to cancer treatment

In a timely review paper, scientists from Japan, Germany, and Spain provide a highly relevant overview of the history, physical interpretation and applications of plasmons in metallic nanostructures.

Study reveals origin of superconductivity in nickelates

Nickelates are a material class that has excited scientists because of its recently discovered superconducting ability, and now a new study led by Cornell has changed where scientists thought this ability might originate, ...

The exciting possibilities of tiny, twisted superconductors

Transporting energy is costly. When a current runs through conductive materials, some of the energy is lost due to resistance as particles within the material interact—just notice the warmth from your phone or laptop. This ...

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