New twist on old chemical process could boost energy efficiency

Chemical reactions on the surface of metal oxides, such as titanium dioxide and zinc oxide, are important for applications such as solar cells that convert the sun's energy to electricity. Now University of Washington scientists ...

Walney offshore wind farm is world's biggest (for now)

( -- The Walney wind farm on the Irish Sea--characterized by high tides, waves and windy weather--officially opened this week. The farm is treated in the press as a very big deal as the Walney farm is presently ...

Shining a light on the elusive 'blackbody' of energy research

A designer metamaterial has shown it can engineer emitted "blackbody" radiation with an efficiency beyond the natural limits imposed by the material's temperature, a team of researchers led by Boston College physicist Willie ...

Energy harvesters transform waste into electricity

Billions of dollars lost each year as waste heat from industrial processes can be converted into electricity with a technology being developed at the Department of Energy's Oak Ridge National Laboratory.

Stretching opens up possibilities for graphene

( -- Researchers say they have found a simple way to improve the semiconducting properties of the world’s thinnest material - by giving it a good tug.

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