Climate: Corporate 'net zero' pledges lack credibility

Nearly half the world's biggest companies have pledged to erase their carbon footprints by around mid-century, but only a handful have credible game plans for doing so, climate policy research groups said Monday.

Chemists unravel reaction mechanism for clean energy catalyst

Hydrogen, the simplest element on Earth, is a clean fuel that could revolutionize the energy industry. Accessing hydrogen, however, is not a simple or clean process at all. Pure hydrogen is extremely rare in nature, and practical ...

Carbon dioxide recycling: What is the role of the electrolyte?

The combustion of oil, coal or natural gas produces carbon dioxide, or CO2. This notorious greenhouse gas is a major driver of global warming, but it is also a raw material. It is technically possible to convert CO2 into ...

Hybrid aspen bark as a raw material for new product applications

The extractives and chemical composition of hybrid aspen bark allow it to be used in several applications in the chemical industry. In the doctoral dissertation of Pasi Korkalo, who is a researcher at the Natural Resources ...

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