Twisted electronics open the door to tunable 2-D materials

Two-dimensional (2-D) materials such as graphene have unique electronic, magnetic, optical, and mechanical properties that promise to drive innovation in areas from electronics to energy to materials to medicine. Columbia ...

Spiraling laser pulses could change the nature of graphene

A new study predicts that researchers could use spiraling pulses of laser light to change the nature of graphene, turning it from a metal into an insulator and giving it other peculiar properties that might be used to encode ...

New 'topological insulator' could lead to superfast computers

University of Utah engineers discovered a way to create a special material – a metal layer on top of a silicon semiconductor – that could lead to cost-effective, superfast computers that perform lightning-fast calculations ...

Infrared light fills a "gap" in iron-based superconductor research

( —Superconductors are a fascinating group of materials in which electrons can flow with almost zero resistance. They have the potential to revolutionize electronics and power distribution, but no existing superconductors ...

Bilayer graphene works as an insulator

A research team led by physicists at the University of California, Riverside has identified a property of "bilayer graphene" (BLG) that the researchers say is analogous to finding the Higgs boson in particle physics.

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