Shale not a miracle solution for Europe

Shale oil and gas have had limited benefits for the US economy and their advantages for Europe will be even slimmer, a French think tank said Wednesday.

US to limit emissions at new power plants

The US Environmental Protection Agency proposed Friday to limit carbon dioxide emissions from new power plants in a bid to implement President Barack Obama's plan to fight climate change.

World energy agency sees record oil demand next year

Emerging economies will be the main force in the global oil market next year, driving demand to a record high level, International Energy Agency (IEA) data showed on Thursday.

Obama to propose 'national plan' on climate change

US President Barack Obama will give a major speech on climate change Tuesday in which he will propose a "national plan" to curb carbon pollution despite resistance from Congress.

EU leaders look to energy for growth boost

EU leaders, desperate to give growth a boost, target energy policy Wednesday amid concerns a US-led revolution in shale oil and gas development will reshape the global economy and leave Europe far behind.

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