Rare earth metals: Will we have enough?

Life in the 21st century wouldn't be the same without rare earth metals. Cell phones, iPads, laptops, televisions, hybrid cars, wind turbines, solar cells and many more products depend on rare earth metals to function. Will ...

Crisis forces profit warning at German tech giant Siemens

German engineering giant Siemens said Thursday it would be harder to achieve its annual profit targets, as the gloomy global economic mood weighed on orders, especially in the field of renewable energy.

Researchers explore bioenergy utilization in China

With China the largest growing economy in the world, scientists and policymakers alike are keenly interested in the country's increasing use of biomass – instead of polluting and climate-harming fossil fuels – for ...

Gulf states look to the sun for future power

After decades of relying on carbon-emitting fossil fuels to build their cities in the desert, some oil and gas rich nations of the Gulf are now turning skywards to the sun to meet future energy demands.

Detroit unsure over the future of green cars

The US auto industry remains unsold over the future of "green cars" such as electrics and hybrids, as carmakers struggle with the first steps in a market most agree shows promise over the long term.

Building a sustainable hydrogen economy

The concept of the hydrogen economy (HE), in which hydrogen would replace the carbon-based fossil fuels of the twentieth century was first mooted in the 1970s. Today, HE is seen as a potential solution to the dual global ...

CAFE standards create profit incentive for larger vehicles

(PhysOrg.com) -- The current Corporate Average Fuel Economy standards create a financial incentive for auto companies to make bigger vehicles that are allowed to meet lower targets, according to a new University of Michigan ...

Global oil demand 'to rise 14% by 2035': IEA

Global oil demand is set to grow by 14.0 percent by 2035, pulled by China and emerging economies and the price could reach 120 dollars per barrel, the IEA said in its annual report on Wednesday.

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