For climate change mitigation, bipartisan politics can work

In an increasingly polarized nation, cooperation across party lines is key to sustained climate mitigation in the United States, according to a new CIRES study. To sustain climate progress over decades, bipartisan cooperation ...

What happens when schools go solar?

Sunshine splashing onto school rooftops and campuses across the country is an undertapped resource that could help shrink electricity bills, new research suggests.

Millions of Australian homes struggling in record-breaking heat

Australians left with soaring energy bills in the wake of a scorching summer are about to face another harsh reality: the vast majority of the nation's houses do not meet the current minimum energy performance requirements.

Building code debate heats up as Australia swelters

In the wake of Australia sweltering through its hottest two months on record – December and January –University of South Australia academics are calling for urgent changes to the country's building codes.

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