USDA report shows improving corn-ethanol energy efficiency

Harry Baumes, Acting Director of USDA's Office of Energy Policy and New Uses, says a report that surveyed corn growers in 2005 and ethanol plants in 2008 indicates the net energy gain from converting corn to ethanol is improving ...

All about dust

(—The space between stars is not empty—it contains copious amounts of gas and dust. Astronomers estimate that about 5-10% of the total mass of our Milky Way galaxy is contained in the interstellar gas and dust, ...

Hydrogen makes the natural gas network greener

Hydrogen from the natural gas pipeline – a separation technique developed by TU Wien is opening up new possibilities for our natural gas network and improves the ecological balance of hydrogen fuel cells.

Gaining insight into the energy balance of earthquakes

Researchers at EPFL's Computational Solid Mechanics Laboratory and the Weizmann Institute of Science have modeled the onset of slip between two bodies in frictional contact. Their work, a major step forward in the study of ...

Food system sustainability requires lower energy use

Modern sustainability practices often encourage resource and energy efficiencies across separate sectors, such as food production or biofuels, but this siloed approach could actually lead to ongoing environmental decay, according ...

The birth of a cloud droplet

( -- Wrapped in mystery, the formation of a cloud droplet comes down to physics. Pacific Northwest National Laboratory led a research team that has helped peel away another layer of the cloud droplet conundrum. ...

Asian black bears' smart strategy for seasonal energy balance

A collaboration led by scientists at Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology (TUAT), Japan, has discovered that daily energy balance of Asian black bears (Ursus thibetanus) exhibited seasonal change with a twin-peak ...

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