Related topics: magnetic field

A new solution to one of the major problems of fusion research

Type-I ELM plasma instabilities can melt the walls of fusion devices. A team of researchers from the Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics (IPP) and the Vienna University of Technology (TU Wien) found a way to get them ...

Coronal mass ejection hits Solar Orbiter before Venus flyby

In the early hours of Sunday, September 4, Solar Orbiter flew by Venus for a gravity-assist maneuver that alters the spacecraft's orbit, getting it even closer to the sun. As if trying to get the orbiter's attention as it ...

Solar storm to hit Earth's magnetic field on July 21

Something is happening to the sun. One of the regions of the solar atmosphere currently exhibiting sunspots caught the attention of observatories on July 11, when there was a sudden increase in ultraviolet and X-ray brightness. ...

Space weather model could determine exoplanetary habitable zones

A refinement to a space weather model developed by a center director at the University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH) could help scientists check out which planets outside our solar system are likely to have someone home.

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