Techies vs. NSA: Encryption arms race escalates

Encrypted email, secure instant messaging and other privacy services are booming in the wake of the National Security Agency's recently revealed surveillance programs. But the flood of new computer security services is of ...

Flaw found in securing online transactions

Researchers on Wednesday revealed a flaw in the way data is scrambled to protect the privacy of online banking, shopping and other kinds of sensitive exchanges.

Telegram must give FSB encryption keys: Russian court

Russia's Supreme Court on Tuesday ruled the popular Telegram messenger app must provide the country's security services with encryption keys to read users' messaging data, agencies reported.

Adaptive software -- a late bloomer

Adaptive software is the largely unfulfilled promise of mobile technology, but now a new platform developed by European researchers promises to finally deliver software that reconfigures itself depending on the context.

Embedding spy secrets in the hard drive fragments

( -- A new way to hide your secrets has been created, which is good news for both the spies and the generally duplicitous regular people of the world. This new system, instead of relying on traditional methods ...

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