Smartphones set out to decipher a cryptographic system

While carrying out her master thesis on computer science, Ramasany Gowthami participated in the creation of an Android app by means of which users get together to crack a modern cryptographic code.

How to secure the cloud

For many of us, the primary reason we use "the cloud" is for storage—whether it's storing email through services like Gmail and Yahoo!, photos on Flickr, or personal documents on Dropbox. Many organizations like hospitals ...

BlackBerry buys German anti-eavesdropping firm

Canadian smartphone maker BlackBerry announced Tuesday the purchase of German voice and data encryption and anti-eavesdropping firm Secusmart, whose customers include NATO and German Chancellor Angela Merkel and her government.

Many in US believe the were hit by Heartbleed

Many Americans scrambled to protect their personal information online after learning of the Heartbleed Internet flaw, and some believe their data was stolen, a survey showed Wednesday.

'Heartbleed' bug a critical Internet illness

The "Heartbleed" flaw in Internet security is as critical as the name implies and wider spread than first believed. Warnings about the danger exposed early this week reached widening circles on Thursday, with everyone from ...

What you need to know about the Heartbleed bug

Millions of passwords, credit card numbers and other personal information may be at risk as a result of a major breakdown in Internet security revealed earlier this week.

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