Study: Employers, workers may benefit from employee reference pool

With employers increasingly reluctant to supply references for former employees in order to avoid legal liability, the creation of a centralized reference pool for workers may make labor markets in the U.S. more efficient, ...

Full-time work no longer considered the norm in Australia

Casual, part-time and contract work is gradually overtaking permanent full time employment as the standard type of job for the majority of working Australians, according to a major report by the Workplace Research Centre ...

Spaniards choose stable jobs over ones related to their training

"If you study, you are more likely to get a stable job, even if it doesn't have anything to do with your training". This is the thinking of workers living in Spain, according to a research study by the Pompeu Fabra University ...

Siemens to cut 2,000 IT jobs in Germany

German industrial giant Siemens said Wednesday it would cut 2,000 jobs in its German IT solutions and services (SIS) unit, part of a broader cost-cutting programme initially unveiled in March.

Generation gaps at work not just about age, study says

Businesses that look only at age to bridge generational gaps among workers risk losing knowledge to retirements, higher turnover and other productivity-clogging problems, new University of Illinois research has found.

Common working conditions hurting both workers and employers

New research from North Carolina State University shows that an increase in professional business practices such as outsourcing, hiring temporary workers and focusing on project-based teams is having a detrimental effect ...

CFO Survey: U.S. Economy Improving Slowly, But Not Surely

( -- U.S. chief financial officers say they have limited hiring plans over the next 12 months, and nearly 60 percent won?t return their staffing to pre-recession levels until 2012 or later.

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