Migrant employment on the rise

Skilled migrants are enjoying better jobs and higher levels of employment thanks to a shift in policy, according to a new study by the Melbourne Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research at the University of Melbourne.

States adopt anti-snooping laws

Worried about your boss prying into your personal business, poking around in aspects of your life you'd rather keep between friends and family - even as you share more of it on social media?

Working women have more influence at home, study says

(Phys.org) —When women who are married work, they wield more decision-making power over large household expenses—like buying a car, large appliance or furniture—according to a University of Colorado Boulder study.

Finding the rural allure for creative workers

Creative workers are more likely to be drawn to live in rural locations offering diverse physical landscapes and high socio-economic and cultural settings, according to new research.

Migration changes will boost communities, finds research

This month's lifting of EU restrictions on migration will benefit both Britain's Roma and local employers, though it is unlikely to attract any significant number of new migrants, according to new research.

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