Wolves susceptible to yawn contagion

Wolves may be susceptible to yawn contagion, according to a study published August 27, 2014 in the open-access journal PLOS ONE by Teresa Romero from The University of Tokyo, Japan, and colleagues.

Empathy or justice: What makes consumers donate more to charity?

Have you ever received a request for help and wondered how deserving the recipients are of your donation? This way of thinking may seem inconsistent with your moral values, especially if you consider yourself an otherwise ...

3Q: Fiction's role in emotional development

Research published last week in the journal Science found that subjects who read literary fiction, compared to popular fiction or nonfiction, performed better on tests measuring their ability to determine what other people ...

Virtual companions making interaction more social

Most of us interact with computers of one sort or another on a daily basis - but this 'interaction' is generally task-oriented and rather one-sided. Making computer interfaces more 'human' has been a long-standing ambition ...

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