Tendency to fear is strong political influence

It's no secret that fear is a mechanism often used in political campaigns to steer public opinion on hot-button issues like immigration and war. But not everyone is equally predisposed to be influenced by such a strategy, ...

CAPTCHA evokes sympathetic (aka correct) response

(Phys.org)—CAPTCHAs by definition (stands for Completely Automated Public Turing Test to tell Computers and Humans Apart) are gotcha tools that are used to spot automated-attack attempts posing as people. CAPTCHA programs ...

Rehabilitating cats one pat at a time

Traumatised cats are getting another shot at rehabilitation thanks to a novel research method being explored at The University of Queensland.

Dogs may be pessimistic too

(PhysOrg.com) -- A study has gained new insight into the minds of dogs, discovering that those that are anxious when left alone also tend to show 'pessimistic' like behaviour.

Emotions help animals to make choices

To understand how animals experience the world and how they should be treated, people need to better understand their emotional lives. A new review of animal emotion suggests that, as in humans, emotions may tell animals ...

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