Goats prefer happy people

Goats can differentiate between human facial expressions and prefer to interact with happy people, according to a new study led by scientists at Queen Mary University of London.

If you're happy, then we know it: Scientists build 'hedonometer'

In 1881, the optimistic Irish economist Francis Edgeworth imagined a strange device called a "hedonimeter" that would be capable of "continually registering the height of pleasure experienced by an individual." In other words, ...

How small acts of kindness can make you happier and healthier

How to optimize the pursuit of well-being and happiness is a question researchers have tried to tackle from a range of angles. The social effects of the pandemic led many people to focus more closely on their mental health ...

Can a mathematical equation really be the formula for happiness?

What makes people happy? Finding a definitive answer to this question could certainly make someone very rich (butwhether that would in turn make them happy is another matter). The problem is that happiness is especially slippery. ...

Leader effectiveness may depend on emotional expression

Women leaders must often battle sexist stereotypes that label them "too emotional" for effective leadership. A surprising new study shows that when they express calm, happy emotions, however, women are perceived as more effective ...