BMW sued in US over diesel emissions

German luxury carmaker BMW has been sued in the United States over "defeat devices" installed in tens of thousands of vehicles in order to cheat diesel emissions tests, lawyers for the plaintiffs said Tuesday.

Obama to unveil dramatic new auto emissions standards

A new front in the battle against climate change will open Tuesday, when President Barack Obama unveils sweeping new auto regulations described as equivalent to taking 177 million cars off the road.

New emissions standards would fuel shift from coal to natural gas

Tougher EPA air-quality standards could spur an increased shift away from coal and toward natural gas for electricity generation, according to a new Duke University study. Complying with stricter regulations on sulfur dioxide, ...

Paris entrepreneur's 2CV tours to go electric

The humble "Deux Chevaux", once ubiquitous in the French countryside, chugging down tree-lined roads—cue accordion music—is now more of a curiosity than a cheap and cheerful runabout.

Better fuel economy: Billions and billions saved

(—As fuel economy of new vehicles improved 18 percent over the past five years, billions of gallons of gas and billions of pounds of emissions have been saved, University of Michigan researchers say.

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