Scientists bring crystal clarity to diamond's quantum signals

They say that one can miss the forest for the trees. But it's often worth taking a closer look at the trees to make sense of the dense, brambly whole. That's what a Stanford University group did to tackle a thorny quantum-information ...

The mystery of fullerenes in space explained

A study from the Instituto de AstrofĂ­sica de Canarias (IAC) which combines laboratory chemistry with astrophysics, has shown for the first time that grains of dust formed by carbon and hydrogen in a highly disordered state, ...

What's stopping US climate policies from working effectively?

In an effort to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and curb global warming, the U.S. has enacted several ambitious federal laws, such as the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) passed in 2022 and the Infrastructure Investment and ...

Webb finds signs of possible aurorae on isolated brown dwarf

Astronomers using NASA's James Webb Space Telescope have found a brown dwarf (an object more massive than Jupiter but smaller than a star) with infrared emission from methane, likely due to energy in its upper atmosphere. ...

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