Aftershock rocks Iran quake zone

A sharp aftershock registering 5.3 on the Richter scale rocked rural areas around Iran's third city Tabriz on Tuesday just days after twin temblors caused deadly devastation, Iranian scientists said.

Simulating firefighting operations on a PC

Firefighters often put their lives at risk during operations, so it is essential they have reliable tools to help them do their job. Now, a modular simulation kit is set to help develop new information and communication technologies ...

EU to Hungary: Don't let toxic sludge hit Danube

(AP) -- Hungary opened a criminal probe into the toxic sludge flood Wednesday and the European Union urged emergency authorities to do everything they can to keep the contaminated slurry from reaching the Danube and affecting ...

Magic box for mission impossible

On September 11, firefighters, police officers and ambulance workers faced a terrifying rescue effort in the World Trade Center complex. They battled to save people from the collapsing Twin Towers, searched for survivors, ...

Wi-Fi signals can see through walls

( -- Researchers at the University of Utah, USA, have discovered that variations in signal strengths in wireless networks can be used to "see" movements of people on the other side of walls or doors.

What makes a hero?

( -- New research at Newcastle University shows that it's not enough to be noble and do a courageous act to be considered a hero. Studying the reactions of the public to five tales of heroism, researchers at Newcastle ...

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